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We are a realiable team of
transport specialists

Alfatransa UAB initiated its activity in 2004. Satisfying the clients` demands and ensuring perfect quality of work the Company currently takes leading position in the international vehicle transportation sector. Commercial activity of the Company is carried out only using new and ecologically friendly car transporter trucks.

Alfatransa UAB refers to RIMO group of companies. RIMO is one of five manufactures of car transporter trucks in Europe. Truck fleet of Alfatransa UAB consists only of trucks with the trademark of the group of companies, which are manufactured following the advanced technologies and tendencies.

Our professional team consists of the specialists, having long-term experience in vehicle transportation, who are trained according to occupational safety, operational and quality standards.

Our objective is to keep and strengthen dominating positions of the Company in the international vehicle transportation sector. Priorities of the Company are oriented to efficient investment use in order to satisfy various demands of the clients and comprehensive improvement and modernization of Alfatransa UAB .

Team of Alfatransa in 2014

Want to work with us?

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